Marina Gasparyan

"Tapochki" short film wrapped

I had the honor of directing my first short film this past weekend, a short that Marina Gasparyan and I spent over a year and a half writing, producing and bringing to life.

And you know what the best part was? Getting to make it with an all female crew.

Oh, and getting to act with our actual mothers. (Talk about good casting!)

I am filled with gratitude for everyone that helped create this magical story.

Shoutout to Cojeco, there would be no movie without you.

Director: Irina Gorovaia
DP: Barbie Leung
Producer / AD: Tyler McClain
Producer/ Nina: Marina Gasparyan
AC: Beatriz Barbieri Costa
Gaffer: Claire Halloran
Scripty: Kristi Gunther
Sound: Teresa-Esmeralda Sanchez
BTS/PA: Samantha Mellina

Marina, Ella, Irina & Anna

Marina, Ella, Irina & Anna

The all female crew for “YASHA“

The all female crew for “YASHA“

In the Mood...

It has always been my dream to make an 80s workout dance video, so a few months ago I asked Jason Millner if he would direct it. I then contacted Abbi Press (DJ extraordinaire) and together with Jeff Buoncristiano as our killer DP, Alicia Rota choreographing the moves, and some badass girls working their butts off.. we made some magic.

'In the Mood...' is a new single written, produced, recorded, and mixed by Abbi Press.

Zona Pictures & Buon Co presents Abbi Press in "In the Mood..."
Producer: Irina Gorovaia
Director: Jason Millner
Director of Photography: Jeff Buoncristiano
Choreographer: Alicia Rota
Sound: Keith Trinh
ADR: Mitch Luther
PA: Hannah Borden
Cast: Abbi - Abbi Press
Girl Gang Leader - Irina Gorovaia
Girl Gang- Marina Gasparyan, Erin Johnson, Alicia Rota, Kauri Sievers and Courtney Torres
Special Thanks: The Cobra Club & Marcela Gomez

Бабушка | BAb(oo)shka

I am beyond excited to get the opportunity to perform at St. Ann's Warehouse as part of Labapalooza! at the end of this month along side some suuuuuper talented humans.

the piece is called Бабушка | BAb(oo)shka, written and constructed by Anna Lublina

and created in collaboration with Elena Rose Light, Julia Danitz, Julia Cavagna, Marina Gasparyan, myself, Julia Gu, Julian Hernandez, and Lim Mui.

in Russian and English, Anya and Babushka struggle to communicate their Jewish identities via The Sims. Their histories emerge as a patchwork of puppetry, klezmer music, and dance.
(that's right! we get to play in two languages!!)

for tickets:

i would love for you all to join me on this adventure. we are a part of program B.
(get them soon because they're selling quick!)
